What Really Does It Matter?  

“What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in THIS I rejoice.” Phil. 1:18


You see it all over Facebook and if you visit any social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, or InstaTwitFace, you’ll read about it in the comments. 

Contemporary Christian music takes a regular beating from well-meaning Christians who likely never really listen to it to begin with.

I grew up in the 60s and 70s, so Rock-n-Roll is a huge part of my history. I leaned toward “soft rock” through Beach Boys, Barry Manilow, The Eagles, Elton John, and Boz Skaggs, etc. Though on the dance floor, I admit I did like the Commodores “Brick House”. 😉

So, in 1992, when God revealed His Son to me in a most powerful way, it changed me from the inside out. I knew how much music affected my heart and mind, so I asked the Lord to lead me to music that glorified Him. Fortunately, at that time, KLVV out of Ponca City was brand new and that began my journey down the road of Christian music.

In time, after visiting Christian book and music stores, I found Christian music artists like Crystal Lewis, Steve Camp, Al Denson, and a host of others who were popular in the 90s. These were incredibly powerful artists, and as my knowledge of scripture deepened, I found that their music was filled with scripture, just as many hymns are.

Since then, we’ve seen a barrage of Christian bands take the stage, some of which I like, others not so much, and as many new churches began to break away from the traditional church, some for good reasons, these bands are used either along with or in some cases, in place of traditional hymnals. And therein lies the modern-day rub that fills the comment sections.

But here is where I’d like to offer a CHALLENGE to my dear brothers and sisters in Christ…

"So what?"

Or to put as Apostle Paul put it, “What then?” Or as another version says, “But what does it really matter?” (NIV, I added really


“Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition...”What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, CHRIST IS PROCLAIMED, and in this I rejoice.” Philippians 1:15-18


I well understand the issues that concern many believers. I too have heard of those who are “in it for the money”, or “selling their music rights for profit”.  Apparently, these bands are more than just a Sunday morning worship team and are operating a business. Businesses require operating money and like every business, people want to turn a profit.

I operate a business. My heart would do it for free every day of the week. But food isn’t free. Utilities are not free. Clothes are not free. DOCTORS ARE NOT FREE!  

But I’ve also given away work when I felt the Lord prompt me. I’ve also had a doctor write off a bill during a very difficult season of our lives. Glory be to God!

All that just to say, I would like to think that God didn’t hang up the music gifts towel after all the hymnals were written. He has gifted numerous artists and I have received immense moments of worship and growth through many gifted Christian music artists.  When I listen, I do so out of my personal devotion to worship Him, regardless of what is going on in the life of the musician or the monetary side of things. 

If God is being glorified because of this music, then that is ALL that really matters. So, if hundreds of thousands of believers or even non-believers are glorifying God while a few bad actors are making a profit or are sinister in their intentions, let God work that out and continue to glorify Him.

They are people just like you and me who also fall prey to temptation and sin. Anyone on the Christian stage is an automatic target for the enemy. Our job is to PRAY for them. But let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. 

It's also a challenge to draw near to God and His Word. The more we KNOW His Word, the more we know Him, but also the more we will detect whether Christian music is scriptural or not. I challenge you as well to do that with hymnals. Find the scriptures within the songs. It’s a fun game I play all the time.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

 Grace and peace, 




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